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2024 IBHC Strategic Planning

2024-2027 IBHC Strategic Plan Priority Recommendations

Infrastructure #1Workforce

Implement strategies to increase recruitment and retention to strengthen the behavioral health professional workforce.

Promotion #1: Program Awareness and Reduction of Stigma

Develop an outreach and marketing strategy to increase awareness of publicly and privately funded programs and services. Address and reduce behavioral health stigma.

Prevention #1: Primary Prevention Programs and Protective Factors

Identify and implement coordinated evidence-based or evidence-informed primary prevention strategies that support community, family, and child well-being.
Identify opportunities to minimize risk factors and enhance protective factors and promote long-term resiliency in children, youth, and adults with a significant emphasis on those having trauma symptoms.

Prevention #2: Foster Care

Collaborate across IDHW Divisions and IDJC to expand services to youth residing in out-of-home placements, foster care, and adoptive family homes.

Engagement #4: Diversion Systems

Develop early diversion and deflection tactics to avoid long-term engagement with the criminal justice system: prearrest, post arrest, and beyond.

Engagement #9A: Help the Helpers

Provide support to individuals with occupational exposure to secondary trauma from working in the justice system, crisis response, and as first responders, and their families.

Treatment #1: Crisis Centers

Expand the functionality of crisis centers.

Treatment #3: Criminal JusticeContinuum of Care

Ensure continuity of care for those entering and leaving the criminal justice system by providing treatment and ensuring links to services for those coming out of incarceration.

Treatment #4: Treatment Courts

Support Treatment Court programs.

Treatment #5: Competency Restoration

Review and reform the competency restoration process for adults (18-211/212) and juveniles.

Recovery #1: Supportive Housing

Increase availability of supportive housing for people with behavioral health conditions.

2024 IBHC Draft Recommendations

2024 IBHC Advisory Board Recommendations for Review 9-13-2024

The Idaho Behavioral Health Council will select a limited number of recommendations as priorities for its next strategic plan during its meeting on September 13, 2024.

Public Comments Submitted

Press release

Advisory Board Meetings

Advisory Board Membership

Name Representation
Martha Ekhoff Adult consumer of behavioral health services
Kim Hokanson Family of a child consumer of behavioral health services
Dr. Stacia Munn Idaho Medical Association Primary Care
Dr. Nicole Fox Idaho Psychiatric Association
Toni Lawson Idaho Hospital Association
Debbie Thomas Substance Use Disorder Provider
Laura Scuri Mental Health Provider
Nikki Zogg Public Health District
Sam Hulse Idaho Sheriffs’ Association
Tracy Basterrechea Idaho Chiefs of Police Association
Scott Bandy Idaho Prosecuting Attorneys Association
Erik Lehtinen Appellate Public Defender
Monica Gray Trial Public Defender
Marianne King Office of Drug Policy
Jennifer Dickison Kootenai Tribal Representative
Brian Bagley Idaho Health Care Association
Dr. Lisa Bostaph Victims of Crimes Expert
David Garrett Idaho Community Health Center Association
Todd Hurt Hospital Administrator
Keisha Oxendine Magistrate Judge
Beth Markley NAMI
Dr. Matthew Niece University Leadership
Dawn Rae EMS
Jenny Teigen Chair of the Idaho Behavioral Health Planning Council


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